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My name is Jen.  I’m a Licensed Master Social Worker, LMSW, with a Bachelor's degree in Psychology and Social Behavior, and 16 years of post-graduate work experience.  I have truly enjoyed working with people, from infants to the elderly, in homes, community mental health and medical settings.  I have encountered some amazing, adaptable and inspiring people along the way.  This has helped me to see and value the importance of understanding the whole person and their personal journey.  


I also have certificates in Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) Level 1 from the Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology and I'm a certified Level 3 Reiki Master.  Both add to my deeper understanding of the body's energetic system which gives a unique dimension to my therapeutic skills.  As well as being certified as a Breathwork and Non-Linear Movement Method Facilitator which contribute to my mind-body approach.

My Story

Now that I've told you a little about who I am.  I feel that it’s important to tell you some of my story in order for you to feel comfortable sharing with me.  So, let me tell you a bit about where I’ve been.


My parents told me that when I was young I used to be able to see the moon, no matter what time of day, if it was out I knew it.  I loved being outside in nature, playing make believe, and creating my world.  Fast forward in time, through multiple moves and adjustments.  As a teenager I had my first bout of diagnosed Depression.  I went to a Therapist that had me sit in a hard plastic chair, while she lounged on the couch.  Fortunately, this led me to want to be a Therapist, a much better one!  


But before I got to fulfill that dream, over the years I battled depression, fought with anxiety, and used self-destructive behaviors to cope with the pain of it all.  Then, years ago I made a decision to search for another way to be; I knew that there must be more.  I started doing yoga multiple times per week, which began helping me to listen to my physical body but, also helped me to become more in tune mentally and emotionally.  I began to meditate, which has over time increased inner stillness and calm within the storms of life.  This has led me to a spiritual community, Energy Psychology, a wonderful Therapist of my own, and self-care practices that help me to embrace my whole self, flaws and all.  I haven’t always known what I want to do, who I am, or what I want my life to look like.  I have searched and struggled for answers, just as you may be doing right now.  Life can be difficult, but I believe that with the right tools and support everyone has the power to change their lives.  And that’s why I’m passionate about what I do.

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