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My Philosophy

As children we’re full of wonder and magic.  We’re present, connected to all of life, the Universe, and nature.  However, we also must recognize that no one's childhood or past is perfect; we experience trauma and negative events that are out of our control.  And as children we use all of our experiences, conditioning, stories, input from important adults and society to create a belief system.  Our young brains form connections, that we take as truth, and this unconsciously rules most of our lives.  Unfortunately by the time we’re adults, a lot of that programming is very outdated and most of it doesn’t even make sense.  But, we allow these deep-seated narratives to dictate our behaviors, choices we make, and how we interact with others. 


This early wounding can cause us to think that parts of us are "wrong" or "bad."  Therefore, we hide and push them down deep so that we don't have to acknowledge the pain.  Then we subconsciously create all kinds of behaviors, both proactive and reactive, to protect the most vulnerable, wounded parts of ourselves.  This contributes to feeling confused and disconnected from our True Self, never wanting to address the many complicated pieces that reside within our whole being.  However, what all of our aspects actually need is acknowledgment, understanding, compassion, and acceptance.

Also, sometimes when these past events or traumas aren’t fully processed they show up as imbalances in our physical and energy bodies.  They arise as symptoms that we experience, including depression, anxiety, recurring thoughts, habits and chronic pain etc.  Fortunately there are practices, many which are easy to learn, which help us to move through what has been stuck for so long.  These techniques include somatic practices, as well as breathwork, Non-linear Movement Method, and Emotional Freedoms Technique (EFT)/tapping; all of which I’m certified in.

I look forward to accompanying you on your journey, holding space to allow for personal insights and growth. As well as providing you with the tools you need to ride the waves of life.  It is my hope that throughout the therapeutic process you can bring awareness to outdated narratives, process trauma, feel more connected, learn to accept all parts of yourself, and ultimately make authentic, healthy changes in your life.

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